Sudoku Magazine

Free Daily Puzzle: Digital Battleships 10×10 (0015)

Digital Battleships

Digital Battleships” Puzzle Rules:

Locate the position of the 10-ship fleet in the grid. The fleet is shown to the left of the grid: one 4-unit battleship, two 3-unit cruisers, three 2-unit destroyers, and four 1-unit submarines. Each segment of a ship occupies a single cell; ships are oriented either horizontally or vertically. Ships do not touch each other, even diagonally.
In this variation of Battleships, the values on the right and bottom edges of the grid reveal the sum of the numbers in each of the ship segments that appear in each respective row or column.

Solution of this Digital Battleships puzzle can be viewed by clicking on button. Please do give your best try to solve this puzzle before looking at the answer.

Digital Battleships Solution
Digital Battleships Solution



Sudoku Magazine

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