Sudoku Magazine

Puzzles Skyscrapers

Skyscrapers puzzles are designed on a square grid. The primary objective is to complete each cell with numbers ranging from 1 to N, where N represents the dimension of the puzzle’s side. The cardinal rule is that no number should be repeated within the same row or column, ensuring a unique arrangement in every instance.

The exterior numerical clues bordering the puzzle serve as a guide. They signify the number of skyscrapers one would observe from a specific viewpoint if there was an alignment of skyscrapers, each having heights corresponding to the values in that particular row or column.

To solve Skyscrapers puzzles effectively, it is imperative to position the numbers in the grid strategically, maintaining the exclusivity rule, while simultaneously making certain that the visible skyscraper count, as implied by the bordering numbers, aligns accurately with the heights of the skyscrapers that you insert. Challenge yourself by exploring the depths of logic and deduction as you embark on the thrilling journey of mastering Skyscrapers puzzles!

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