Sudoku Magazine

Puzzles Tents

Tents, also known as “Tents and Trees,” is a logic puzzle created by Léon Balmaekers from the Netherlands. The puzzle presents a grid of squares, some of which contain trees. The objective is to place tents in the remaining squares while satisfying the following conditions:

– The number of tents must match the number of trees in the grid.
– Tents and trees should be arranged in a way that each tent is directly adjacent (horizontally or vertically, but not diagonally) to at least one tree. However, a tent can be adjacent to multiple trees, including its own.
– Tents must not be adjacent to each other either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
– The counts of tents in each row and column must align with the numbers provided around the edges of the grid.

Solving Tents puzzles requires strategic placement of tents around the trees while ensuring that all the specified rules are upheld. Enjoy the challenge of this intriguing logic puzzle!

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